$747.50 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Please open the link to view terms and conditions 


Retreat (March 2024)(twin share) (4 month payment plan)

Intuitive Rebirth Practitioner Training 7 Day Retreat Immersion

Early Bird (twin share) 

$2990 USD

Basundari Reteat, Ubud

Mar 24th - Mar 31st 2024

(Please note, your room may not be the exact room pictured)

Please reach out to us if you have any questions [email protected] 

We are so excited to see you in Bali! 


* Please note, all payments made are non-refundable, but transferrable to other trainings and retreats

* The payment plans must be paid in full before the retreat start date