$644.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Retreat - Basic Room (twin share) (6 month payment plan)

Intuitive Rebirth Practitioner Training 7 Day Retreat Immersion

Pricing Option 4 (Basic Room) - $3850 USD (twin share) 

Soulshine Retreat, Ubud

Jan 20th  - Jan 27th 2024

(Please note, your room may not be the exact room pictured but will be the equivalent as priced by Soulshine Retreat)

Please reach out to us if you have any questions [email protected] 

We are so excited to see you in Bali! 


* Please note, all payments made are non-refundable, but transferrable to other trainings and retreats

* The payment plans must be paid in full before the retreat start date